One And Only Purpose Of Living
Our journey’s only purpose for mankind is to accumulate Karmic points.
Earn Karmic points with gratitude, love and empathy.
Lose Karmic points with GREED and Cravings.
Negative Karmic balance means you rebirth in lower realms maybe as an insect or an animal. Positive Karmic balance land you as a happier being in the next life.
The Law of Causation determines your Karma. The cause and effect of your every actions, reactions, and thoughts destine you in next life.
Causality (also referred to as causation, or cause and effect) is influence by which one event, process, state or object (a cause) contributes to the production of another event, process, state or object (an effect) where the cause is partly responsible for the effect, and the effect is partly dependent on the cause.
Finally, if you want to get out of this Karma system, you can only exit through the “wheel of suffering” by practicing meditation becoming an “Arahat” or a Saint!
- Accumulating Karma is like attracting money.
- You could earn Karma points by pursuing good thoughts and deeds.
- Multiplying the Karma points like you multiply money.
- Invest in Karmic activities and watch your Karma points grow exponentially.
- Store all your good deeds, thoughts, feelings in your brain. Remove those ignorance, greed, and cravings from your brain.
- Consciousness will not die so be careful with what you deposit into consciousness
- If you hurt a life you are letting go your Karma points.
It is with utmost urgency if you want to multiply and increase your Karma points that you do the followings things immediately:
- Understand Mind and Body phenomenon through observing your intentions.
- Sharpen your mind by taking note of your movements and on your thoughts.
- Showing gratitude, love and empathy paved the way to getting Karma points.
- Improve awareness by doing one thing at a time. Slow down and concentrate improve mind’s muscle strength so that you can make great decisions, earning Karma points.
5. Meditate daily for an hour each session for 2 times a day to get rid of impurities in your mind.
I am giving my meditation training for FREE to everyone interested so visit my website or email for more FREE information.